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Rezultati 1 - 9 od oko 9
Izvorni jezik
Engleski There is great potential for reducing the size of...
There is great potential for reducing the size of five quality gaps through the use of both technology and the human touch to improve overall service quality. Gap1,the difference between customers’ expectations and management’s perceptions of customers’ expectations, could be greatly reduced by using technology to gather data on consumers both directly through online surveys and telephone interactions and more surreptitiously through transaction logs.
istrauka is mokslinio straipsnio, si dalis labai svarbi, todel ieskojau pagalbos kas galetu padeti isversti.

Završeni prevodi
Litvanski Yra didelė galimybė sumažinti penkias kokybės spragas
Izvorni jezik
Francuski mes yeux ne voient que toi

j'espère que tu vas bien et que ta journée n'a pas été trop difficile. Je me sens un peu triste en ce moment car j'ai l'impression qu'on s'éloigne l'un de l'autre un peu plus chaque jour et ça me fait peur. Je reconnais n'avoir pas été à la hauteur ces derniers temps et je suis désolé si je t'ai déçue par certains de mes propos car je ne voulais pas te blesser. Je voulais simplement te montrer de l'attention même si c'était parfois maladroit.

Je suis loin d'être parfait mais personne ne l'est. Aussi, je pense que nous devons apprendre à mieux nous connaître. Pour cela, il faut que nous communiquions plus souvent. Je sais que ce n'est pas toujours facile avec la distance mais c'est important que nous fassions cet effort.

Je répète souvent que je tiens à toi et c'est sincère car tu es ce qui m'est arrivé de mieux et je ne veux pas te perdre.

Je t'aime tendrement.

Završeni prevodi
Litvanski Mano akys mato tik tave
Izvorni jezik
Ovaj prevod zahteva "Samo značenje".
Engleski This years love had better last Heaven knows it's...
This years love had better last
Heaven knows it's high time
I've been waiting on my own, too long
When you hold me like you do
It feels so right, oh now
Start to forget how my heart gets torn
When that hurt gets thrown
Feelin' like I can't go on.
Turnin' circles time again
Cut like a knife, oh now
If you love me got to know for sure
Cuz' it takes something more this time
Then sweet, sweet lies, oh now
Before I open up my arms and fall losing all control
Every dream inside my soul

Završeni prevodi
Litvanski Tegul šiais metais meilė tęsiasi
Izvorni jezik
Engleski Certification of vital record. ...
Certification of vital record.

I certify that this child was born alive at the place and time and on the date stated.
I certify that the personal information provided on this certificate is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
this is to certify that this is a true and correct copy from the official record filed with the illinois department of health.
Any alteration or erasure voids this certificate.

Certifier attendant :

Attendant's mailing address :
sis tekstas yra is gimimo liudijimo kuri man reikia isiversti i lt kalba

<edit> "i" (9th letter from the Latin alphabet) with "I" (1st person singular pronoun in English)and "plce" with "place"</edit>

Završeni prevodi
Litvanski Gimimo liudijimo sertifikatas
Izvorni jezik
Engleski No nice girl admits it out loud, but it is...
No nice girl admits it out loud, but it is nevertheless true that there comes a time in every girl's life when she is seized with an urge to get married.

Završeni prevodi
Litvanski vedybos
Izvorni jezik
Nemacki pakeltuvas
Es ist darauf zu achten, dass das Fahrzeug gleichmäßig auf allen 4 Tragtellern aufgenommen wird.
"gleichmabig" edited with "gleichmäßig", and "dab" with "dass" on notif. from Rodrigues /pias 091011.

Završeni prevodi
Litvanski keltuvas
Izvorni jezik
Ovaj prevod zahteva "Samo značenje".
Nemacki vokiskai
Hi , ich arbeite als Fotografin und suche ständig nach
neuen Models. Da ich dich sehr hübsch finde würde es
mich intressieren ob du Lust hättest als Model zu

Hast du Erfahrung? Grösse, gewicht, bh? Adde mich
bei msn oder bei skype

<E mail address erased> (10/28/francky thanks to Lene's notification)

Završeni prevodi
Litvanski Ieškau modelių
Izvorni jezik
Ovaj prevod zahteva "Samo značenje".
Engleski The projehe project of developing a restaurant...
The project of developing a restaurant has no specific cost average that can be used a guide for an individual or group cost to determine the expected construction costs. However, that is not to say that your project's expected costs cannot be budgeted for. A step-by-step guide for determining costs is presented later in this chapter.
The purpose of this section will be to outline areas important to an operation's birth

Završeni prevodi
Litvanski Restorano kūrimo projektas
Izvorni jezik
Ovaj prevod zahteva "Samo značenje".
Nemacki Bitte geben Sie Ihren Zahlencode an.
Bitte geben Sie Ihren Zahlencode an.

Završeni prevodi
Engleski your number code
Litvanski Prašau nurodykite savo skaitmeninį kodą.